Align your values with your brand
Yesterday I had a referral come across my desk by a friend in California. One of her colleagues needed a website built in the next few days and had posted about it on Facebook. As you could imagine, lots and lots of people posted to her wall with suggestions and asking to bid.
I didn’t. Instead I dropped her a private message and told her we could “handle” the request, but also that we choose our projects carefully based on 4 core values. These values are what drive our work in the industry, and I imagine they are also what inspire others to work with us. Here they are:
1) Make the brand touch points fun and engaging (i.e., website, social media, communication, et al)
2) Implement tracking to see what’s working, what’s not, and where the opportunities lay
3) Get our clients top visibility in their fields of expertise
4) Support them so that they serve the world with their gifts
They are simple values but so meaningful for us. If excitement drives everything (and we do mean EVERYTHING) then I just can’t imagine any other way to provide for our clients than those outlined above.
I may get a chance to speak with that referral about her project. I may not. But one thing I did do is let her know straight out the gate if I might be the right fit for her, and that matters immensely.
In the Bankable Branding Toolkit we have a template, exercises and worksheets that guides a business through discovering this very thing. What are your core values? How do they drive everything you do?