2012’s Favorite Moments
Well, the year is done. As I look back on 2012 I look back to a year filled with fun, growth, opportunity and connection. I think I’ve traveled more this year than I have since the years when I used to model. The year found me on a plane practically every month, beginning with my trip to Chicago in January for my mother’s 80th Birthday. After that I went through a series of fun and not-so-fun moments, such as when I missed my *next* flight to Chicago that following week for Fabienne Fredrickson’s tour stop.
I was introduced to a new mentor this year, Dani Johnson, and started membership with two women’s organizations: Savor The Success and Ladies Who Launch.
Other highlights of the year were as follows:
- Being a 2012 Count Me In/Make Mine a Million $ Business Awardee and being filmed by American Express for the victory!
- Launching my first series of self-hosted events “Building Brand Exposure“
- Being selected as a judge for Rising Tide Capital’s Start Something Challenge
- Getting up close and personal and selected to share a moment on the stage with Kendall Summerhawk in Tucson, AZ, Max Simon in San Diego, CA and Dani Johnson in St. Louis, MO!
- Spending a full week working just minutes away from the beach in Hermosa Beach, CA with my friend Helen Hodgson of Serve The Goddess… Don’t we all start a business so that we can have that flexibility?
- Expanding my New Jersey office space – I moved across the hall into a space 4-5 times larger and hired my first in-person assistant Miriam
- Paying off all my credit card debt – The icing on the cake!
I’ve already started to make BIG plans for 2013 and I’m excited. When I look at what I was able to accomplish in 2012 I am reminded of something my mother has been telling my my entire life “You can do anything you put your mind to!”
What victories, either personal or professional, are you most proud of in 2012?