Brand Booster: Increase Your Website Traffic With Free Addons
When you feel like you’ve got a good thing going you always want to share it right? On your website one of the things you can do is add an application, somewhat like a social sharing tool, to have your visitors share your website page with others. Doing so takes advantage of everyone’s affinity to peer-to-peer networking. One great tool that I’m investigating is Smart Add On allows you to add simple script to your website so that visitors to your page can share it with their friends by email.
Imagine the impact of just one visitor to your site each day sharing the page with 2 or more of their friends? Amazing. There’s a free version and an upgraded version for a small monthly fee. I suggest you start with the free version and then if you want full branding power, choose the upgrade.
Marketing is all about testing, so try it for a few months. If it works for you great — if not, you’ll have learned something in the meantime and you didn’t have to go out of pocket to do it. This new technology is just one of the many ways the team here at Brand Excitement will be kicking off some new things in the new year. What experiments, data driven or otherwise, will you be implementing this year?
Short and to the point. And shared. 😀
sounds like a useful tool that’s worth investigating
Thanks Arwen. I’ll be sure to report back once we’ve got some data on performance
Dot, there are so many out there. I tried another once before and it was just too much coding. I’ll let you know how it goes.