Branding Social Media for Churches
I’m starting a new Sunday series today for churches. A new category, called Church Branding, because it’s one of the most rewarding ways that I use my expertise. I’ve been managing the social media for my church (Hoboken Grace) for about 18 months and also serve on the welcome committee on Sundays. What’s so rewarding is that each Sunday we have a few Connection Points set up at the church, small round tables where a new visitor can come over and introduce themselves and get a free gift.
Being at that table has been such an inspiration for me, especially because the social media team is now a group of 4 women. When I first started managing the social media for the church it was because I saw a lost opportunity. I felt I was a part of an amazing community but that the message, our existence, just wasn’t reaching enough people. Instead of sitting back and thinking “they really outta do something about this” I got in touch with the teaching pastor and told him that I’d like to do this for the church. Each Sunday the majority of the first-time visitors to our church reveal that they found us online!
Chris was open to the idea and so we got together over coffee to discuss the churches goals, values and guidelines, and then I began. With so many people being attached at the hip to some type of internet-capable device it seemed to me that not being consistent and active in social media was a big mistake. I was right. Pretty soon, once we had consistent posts going up once per day, we started to see a more engaged community and attendance at our services and social events soon followed.
Each Sunday I’ll start to deliver to you some of the ways that you can help your church to have a stronger brand and give you insight into how we leverage technology to better serve and love our community. For starters, if your church doesn’t yet have a Facebook business page, Twitter Profile, or YouTube Channel speak with the staff about setting them up. Usually, as long as they know you’re going to be in total alignment with the church’s values they’ll bless you with their full support.
Next Sunday we’ll discuss best practices and setup for each of these three channels.
- Get more stuff done with time blocking
- The Art of the Edit – Taking Good to Great
- Break the formula and use innovation to boost your brand
- Leverage the power of brand ambassadors
- Marketing: Old and New Conversion Cues
- Marketing: Old and New Conversion Cues
- Launch Your Business With Ease and Grace
- Use TV Commercials To Promote Your Business
- Why You MUST own your name as a domain name
- Is a kickstarter campaign good or bad for your brand?
- Does your wardrobe need rebranding?
- Are you guilty of manufactured perception?
- Facebook Pitfalls – What will they think of me if…
- What happens during a Facebook Fast?
- Branding lessons from the past — The Soft Soap Story
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